Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Saturday Covfefe Thoughts

    Saturday Covfefe Thoughts

    This is my current favorite coffee. I used to not be able to drink coffee because of the horrible things it did to my stomach, but I have a tremendous gastroenterologist who almost makes having Crohn’s worth it. One time when she had her camera down my throat she discovered striations on my esophagus and…

  • Give a Shit Now or Learn to Take It Unhappily Ever After

    Give a Shit Now or Learn to Take It Unhappily Ever After

    Dear young person too cool for school (you know who you are), School can be a drag. You’re not the first among any generation of students to pick up on this. Some teachers are good — even Dead Poets Society, oh-captain-my-captain, inspirational good. They will see past your natural teenage assholishness and teach you something…

  • Happy Birthday What Smells Like Pee

    Happy Birthday What Smells Like Pee

    I have tens of tens of online acquaintances — what facebook calls “friends” — who have never met me in real life and probably wouldn’t care much for me if that were to change. Several of them were kind enough to throw kind messages at my “wall” on my birthday, because when there’s a birthday, facebook will just not. let. it.…

  • Dark All at Once

    Dark All at Once

    When I’m not sick, it’s impossible to remember how sick feels. I’ll have bold but naive notions of fighting through a bad cold or a flu. Like I can simply will myself to action. Then the achy happens. The unearned muscle soreness. The pressure behind the eyes. Can’t sleep, but hurts to read or watch TV. Just lie there and moan like…

  • My New Old Hobby

    My New Old Hobby

    On my way to being the creepy old neck-bearded guy who plays D&D with twelve-year-olds, I dusted off some plastic models that have been keeping a trash bag from being empty for several years. I have a tiny (teensy-weensy) bit more patience than when I was a kid. Back then, I wanted the finished product…

Got any book recommendations?